testimonials & photos
"I LOVE Heidi's Barre, Balance and Booty class Tuesday mornings. We work muscles we didn't even know we had! And all that hard work is paying off. Last week I bought a pair of size 8 Gloria Vanderbilt jeans at Costco and had to return them for the six! Those are some great results in my opinion. Thanks Heidi!"
- Nora G.
"I find TRX is a great way to mix up your fitness routine. The workouts are challenging but fun, and I’ve gotten a lot stronger in the process. Alex is an awesome instructor and good at mixing in various activities so that the whole class isn’t all spent on the TRX. I would definitely recommend trying a class!”
- Jennifer H.
"I’ve been attending for a week now and I absolutely LOVE it! Everyone from staff to members are all such a joy to be around. Very positive atmosphere.”
- Amanda H.
"Push! is a great environment for total body wellness for women of all ages and fitness levels. The facility is clean, the staff are friendly, and there is a variety of group classes, personal training, massage, and skin care. By far my favorite gym!"
- Sara S.
"I can’t specify just one thing I love about Push! Each year at Push, I’ve added to my workout schedule because I saw women doing amazing things at Push, and I wanted to do the same! I started personal training once a week, then bumped up to twice a week for an hour as well as a weekly tandem training. I also added group classes I like and take advantage of the esthetic services available as well. Nothing beats a massage or facial after a workout! I would be LOST without my personal trainers, Alex and Jason! They genuinely care about me and my goals and progress. They challenge and keep me going! After my workouts, I feel so energized and accomplished. I am doing exercises I could never have imagined doing before! I find the undivided attention of such highly skilled trainers who want me to succeed to be invaluable! When I joined Push, I was nervous. But the trainers and staff made everything so easy, other members made me feel welcome. The minute I walk into Push, there is an instant feeling of camaraderie and comfort. I have made friendships that will last a lifetime. "
-Elizabeth O.